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With Christmas now unfortunately behind us, we have to get back into normal life again. We're unlikely to be the only ones to have overindulged this Christmas, as the UK's rodent population will be enjoying the bonus of all the extra household waste, leftovers and takeaway litter left by households and revellers alike.
The festive season around Christmas and New Year often brings with it extra waste, this coupled with infrequent or irregular refuse collections means that we all end up with extra rubbish around our properties and streets. It's estimated that the brown rat population has increased over 30% since 1998, with some experts suggesting there is now one rodent for every person in Britain (BBC, 2013).
Rodents such as mice and rats can be extremely hazardous, their droppings and urine can contaminate surfaces in your home, which shouldn't be handled at all without gloves and respiratory mask. There's also risk of fleas, ticks and lice, and a fire hazard caused by their constant need to chew through things, including electrical wires.
There are many steps you can take to help prevent rodents from finding your home suitable.
If you have a concern about rodents, or would like Hampshire Bird and Pest Solutions to inspect your property simply fill in the form below and a member of the team will contact you shortly.
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